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Versatility and Record of Merit Awards

December, 2024 by Deb Harvey




The American Cocker Spaniel Club of Canada recognizes the hard work and long hours our members put into earning the versatility awards and register of merit and legion of merit awards. 


Dogs and owners show many talents to earn the versatility awards, which can include earning conformation championships, and titles in obedience, rally, tricks, barn hunt, field sports and so much more.


Register of merit and legion of merit awards require long hours of preparing and showing dogs and taking great care to breed the best dogs possible -- as shown in their offspring.


We're pleased and proud to honour the 2024 recipients






Versatility Award

Presented to

CH Rockwell Diggin’ That Truffle PCD ATD



Deb Harvey



















Versatility Award Excellent

Presented to

AGMCH, GCH Canrick's Pillow Talk,  AGMXJ, AGMX, AGSC


(Gabbi) and Candice Sherbo and Sandi Maday













Versatility Award Extraordinaire

Presented to

Ch Kove & KLAD's This Thing Called Love CGN CGC



(Harlow) and Kelly Ladouceur














Versatility Award Extraordinaire

Presented to

AM.CH. CAN.GCHB. Gold-Coast I Got Your Six



(Goose) and Laurie McLaughlin



















Register of Merit

Presented to

Can/AM CH Nickleodeon’s Devil May Dare 

(Quinn) and Kay Nickle










Register of Merit

Presented to

Am Can Ch KLAD Samamari Fire And Rain CGN CGC ATT




(Charlotte) and Kelly Ladouceur










Register of Merit

Presented to

BPISS GCH Shaankata’s Spirit O’Clanagroe CGN NTD



Maureen Brosnahan


 Legion of Merit

Presented to

Am/Can Ch Shaankata Kataxin’s Guilty as Sin



Trudy Haukeness-Fecho










Legion of Merit

Presented to

BPISS Can GCH Shaankata Kataxin Devil’s Play


(Zeva) and Trudy Haukeness-Fecho







Versatility and Record of Merit Awards

September, 2023 by Deb Harvey


The American Cocker Spaniel Club of Canada announced a number of Record of Merit and Versatility awards at the National in September, 2023. When sending in applications, people were asked to tell us a bit about their dogs. Other than the tremendous accomplishments, what made them so special? Well, the answer is LOTS! I hope these accomplishments will help everyone appreciate the tremendous depth of experience within our club and encourage others to enter in the future. Here’s what some of the recipients said about their dogs:



Can GCh Shaankata Kataxin Devil’s Play PCD CGN (Zeva) and Trudy Haukeness-Fecho – Award of Merit

Zeva produced 4 Champions:

  • CGH Shaankata’s Edge of Tomorrow CGN

  • AmGCH and Can CH Shaankata Chrisan Seize the Day BCAT

  • GCH Shaankata’s Spirit O’Clanagroe NTD CGN

  • GCH Shaankata’s Double The Sins


Dagobah’s Eyerish Cream CGN, CD, RAE2 (Bailey) and Donna Kellar – Versatility Dog

Bailey was a single puppy. She didn’t like the conformation ring so after 5 points we gave obedience a try. She won a High in Trial at the Fort Garry Show in May 2011, the same day she achieved her CD title. We continued in Rally where she got her RAE title twice. She was #1 Rally Obedience Cocker in Canada for 2012. She had her eyes checked very year until I had her spayed and is now enjoying retirement as a couch potato at 14 years of age.


Can GCH Edge of Tomorrow CGN (Ellie) and Trudy Haukeness-Fecho – Versatility Dog Intermediate

Here’s how Ellie earned her points:

  • CKC CH


  • CGN

  • OFA patellas

  • OFA hips

  • OFA eyes

  • Retired and spayed


Can GCh Shaankata Kataxin Devil’s Play PCD CGN (Zeva) and Trudy Haukeness-Fecho – Versatility Dog Intermediate

Here’s how Zeva earned her points:

  • Canadian CH 


  • Pre CD

  • CGN

  • OFA patellas normal

  • OFA hips excellent

  • OFA eyes

  • Retired and spayed


Ch. Ania’s Jersey Boy at Dagobah CGN, CDX, RAE2 (Jersey) and Donna Kellar – Versatility Dog Intermediate

     Jersey won Best of Breed over Specials at 9 months of age to complete his championship title. He went on to become the #1 Rally Obedience Cocker in Canada in 2014 and obtained his RAE title twice. He achieved his CDX title, winning 6 High in Trials along the way. He was #1 Obedience Cocker in Canada in 2017. He had his eyes checked every year until I decided to not use him for breeding and had him neutered. Although deaf, he is still enjoying life at 12 years of age.


Ch. Dagobah’s Final Destination CGN, CD, RAE2 (Destiny) and Donna Kellar – Versatility Dog Intermediate

     Destiny achieved her Championship title in two weekends at just 8 months of age. She went on to win her CD title at just over a year of age. She then qualified for her RAE title twice and was #1 Rally Dog All breed. I had her eyes checked every year until I decided not to use her for breeding and had her spayed. Destiny never had a litter and was/is the last of my Dagobah lines. Although a bad barker, she is healthy and happy at 10 years of age.


Ch. Dagobah Kataxin Kaptan Cosmos CGN, CGC, RE, CDX, ONYX, TDI  and Donna Kellar – Versatility Dog Excellent

     K.C. was one of a kind. During K.C.’s 16 ½ years of life, anyone that met him never forgot him. He completed his Championship title at 11 months of age and was only specialed a couple of times but always won a group placing. His first Group got him an invitation to compete in the Classic show in 1998 where he placed 4th in a Group of 21 Top Winning Sporting Dogs. Obedience was harder for him as he found the long sits boring. He did however achieve a CDX and was #2 Obedience Cocker in Canada in 1999. He also obtained his CGN, CGC and TDI titles. He had his eyes and hips certified before his one and only breeding, producing 4 beautiful puppies. In 2004 we went back into flyball to obtain the last handful of points he needed for his ONYX title. K.C. was the wonder dog and I thought would live forever – has been gone 11 years.


Ch Ch(A) Calla’s All Bets On KLAD PCD, RA, SDIN, SDN, Am RN, SD-E (SP), CW-SI, CW-ScR1, SOG, DOG, NN, ATD (Jack Jack) and Kelly Ladouceur – Versatility Dog Excellent

     Jack Jack was special from the day he was born, as the only buff in a litter of blacks and black and tans, born to black and black and tan parents. He grew up to be reactive and neurotic, but he loved the show ring and he adored me. He finished his Championship over time, struggling a bit due to an issue with his bit but even when he didn’t win, judges and spectators appreciated his beautiful movement, with lots of reach and drive and a rock solid topline. Once he was neutered, he played in the Altered ring whenever it was offered, and he won multiple Groups, placed in Groups and was a multiple Best in Specialty Show Altered winner, including at the National Specialty. He remains one of the few (if not the only) American Cocker to earn that award.

     He played in obedience and rally because I asked him to, but his true love was nosework. He competed in every venue that was available to us, winning a High in Trial along the way, and several comments from judges on our relationship. He was the first Cocker in Canada to earn a CKC Novice title, as well as the first to earn SDDA Started, Advanced and Excellent titles. He did earn his SDDA Championship at the age of 12, which was one of my proudest moments with him.

     Many will remember Jack for his performance at the ASC show at Purina Farms where he took centre stage to show off his trick of holding hotdogs in his mouth while balancing more on his nose. He was a pro at balancing treats on his nose.

He was a good dog that taught me so much about training and he launched me into nosework, which has become a passion for me.


AmCan Ch KLAD Samamari Fire And Rain CGN CGC Can RI Am RN ETD-M TD-ROM TKP SDIN SDO SD-A CW-SS CW-DD CW-PI CW-ScR3 TEAM1 NW-TEAM1 CCC3h PKD-N NE NV A2Z 2K9 CRN-MCL (Charlotte) and Kelly Ladouceur – Versatility Dog Extraordinaire

     Charlotte is the queen of the house, ruling all of us with her iron paw. When she was little, I didn’t plan on keeping her, as I thought her brother was the better show dog. She certainly changed my mind, especially when we started training the fun stuff. In Canada, she finished her Championship B/O/H, finishing with a Best of Opposite Sex over specials. In the U.S. both Stephanie Kaul and I took turns showing her, and she finished B/O/H down there, with specialty wins. She flew through her trick titles, getting up to Expert Master with relative ease. She loves learning new things and being a bit silly.

     She has base level titles in rally obedience, but because her obedience foundations aren’t strong, we have chosen not to pursue higher titles. She has mid-level titles in several nosework organizations (including all of the titles offered in the CWAGS scent program), but because of her fondness for distractors, we haven’t competed at the higher levels.

Charlotte has been an outstanding, if not frustrating, producer. Her first litter had four puppies, three of whom are finished stateside (with a BISS and two ASC Flushing Spaniel Show Award of Merit) and one of whom is starting to really enjoy agility with her co-owner. Her latest (and last) puppy is set to carry on her legacy of bravery, outstanding temperament and that look-at-me attitude that we all look for in a show dog.


BISS AmCh Can GCh KLAD Samamari Shut Up And Drive CGN SDIN SDE ETD CGC TKA SD-A(SP) CW-SI CW ScR3 NI NC PKD-T (Bowie) and Kelly Ladouceur – Versatility Dog Extraordinaire

     Bowie is special. As a puppy he was somewhat reserved, so I worked hard to increase his resilience and bravery. I clearly succeeded, as nothing fazes him now and he loves everybody and everything, especially puppies. He is a working machine and is happiest when he has a job to do. Like so many dogs, if he is left unemployed he will make his own work.

He finished in one weekend in the U.S. B/H/O by Stephanie Kaul, with a BISS and multiple BBE awards as well. He went to the ASC Flushing Spaniel shows. He came home and finished quickly in Canada, earning a Group 2 on his way to his Grand Championship. We continued showing for awhile after that, but he just doesn’t hold himself together, so I gave up on that, cut him down and have been working in performance since then.

     He is an incredible nosework dog with a great ethic, Other than the occasional food distractor, nothing gets in his way when he is working. He was the first American Cocker in Canada to earn a Scent Detection Excellent title, and he is titled in several other organizations as well. From his first two litters he has a son working in scent detection and a Best in Sweeps daughter that is also titled in scent detection. I love this dog and can’t wait to see what the future brings for us.


Am Ch Can GCh KLAD Samamari Sweet Baby James SDIN SDO NTD SD-A (SP) CW-SI CW-ScR2 AN NW1-TEAM (JT) and Kelly Ladouceur – Versatility Dog Extraordinaire

     JT was my keeper puppy from a litter of 2. I had big plans for this guy, and he didn’t disappoint. He finished easily in the U.S. B/O/H by myself and Stephanie Kaul. In Canada he won RWD at the National in Kitchener in 2017, and then finished from the Bred By class with a big Best of Breed win over specials, piloted by me. Shown as a special, he earned multiple group placements in limited showing, and became my first Grand Champion.

     He has sired three litters, with one championship son who is multi-group placer and a Grand Champion Bronze in limited showing. He has more puppies on the way to their championship titles, and a son that is training for all of the things. He is a lovely nosework dog, who works with purpose and he has done well in a range of venues. He was the first American Cocker to earn a Scent Detection Open title through the CKC. He is also my first Cocker to earn an Advanced Nosework title through the UKC.  He’s a happy dog that loves everybody, including puppies, and just wants to chase his ball and chill out close to his person.


CRMCH 18K Champagne Taste At KLAD CGN CGC PCD CDX RM Am CD Am RE SHDMX-S ATD CW-Ob2 TL-1 UL-1 (Kermit) and Kelly Ladouceur – Versatility Dog Extraordinaire

     I bought Kermit to be my competition obedience dog, and he accomplished more than I could have hoped for. He was my first dog to earn a CDX, and he was the first Cocker in Canada to earn a Rally Master title. He also did extremely well in Scent Hurdle and he earned his CARO Rally Master Championship. We competed in Utility for 3 years, but unfortunately he had to retire before earning a qualifying score, due to a disc issue in his neck. His creativity was always at work in the ring, and the crowd laughing just spurred him on.

     The best thing about Kermit is his incredible temperament. He loves everybody and everything (with the exception of puppies under 6 months old), and is always happy. We never left an obedience or rally trial without at least one person telling me that they enjoyed his clear joy at working with me. He would make an excellent therapy dog if only I had more time. His favourite place to be is in someone’s lap, preferably mine or his Aunty Elen Kovar’s. I am thankful every day that his breeders chose to share him with me.


AGMCH2 AGMCHV Braewood Protector of Zion XPV, AGSC, AGMXJ2, AGMX2, AGMXJV, AGMXV, SHDGMCh, ITD, EXJ Bronze, EXSc Silver, EXSt Bronze BA, ATChC, Bronze AOM, EXS Bronze, NCC, EJC, EAC, TGN, TN-O, WV-O, FDCH-S (Neo) and Sandi Maday – Versatility Dog Extraordinaire

     Neo has been an amazing partner, competing in CKC Agility, AAC Agility, NADAC Agility, Scent Hurdle Racing, Flyball and Tricks and has earned over 63 titles over the years.

2019 was Neo’s retirement year from active sports. That year we attended the AB/NWT AAC Regionals and Neo earned a number of first place ribbons, and stood in the second place podium placement in the 8” double drop Veteran category, just 3 points shy of winning the division. Neo was the 7th American Cocker Spaniel (over 1,128 registered with AAC) to have earned his Silver Steeplechase title, which he earned in the summer of 2019. He is the only American Cocker Spaniel ever to have earned his AGMC2 and his AGMCHV titles from CKC, or basically, earning one of the top level agility titles 3 times. He was the second American Cocker Spaniel to earn his Scent Hurdle Dog Grand Master Championship (SHDGMCh) title in October, with his brother Remus being the first to earn that title.

     When I decided to retire Neo from active agility and other active sports, a number of people commented to me that we were running so nice, and asked me “what made you decide to retire him?” The answer is simple – the many achievements and titles mean nothing to Neo. I owe it to Neo not to push him physically to get to that next milestone, and I want him to be able to enjoy his retirement years. Neo just turned 14 on June 12, and is the spoiled old dog in the house. I will always miss running agility with my BEST BOY EVER!


AGMCHV Ladyhawk Prisoner of Azkaban CGN, NPV, AGMXV, AGMXJV, SHDGMCh, AGSC, NTD, ATChC, ExSc Silver, ExS Bronze ExJ Bronze, ExSt Bronze, VBX, OCC, OJC, EAC, TG-E, O-TN-E, WV-E, NP-N, FMX, MBDCH (Remus) and Sandi Maday – Versatility Dog Extraordinaire

     Remus was a once in a lifetime partner, and I miss him every single day. Initially, when I got Remus as a puppy, we were just going to play agility, but I also introduced him to the sports of conformation, flyball, scent hurdle racing, tricks and rally. I met so many new friends and immersed myself in dog activities with Remus. While gathering Remus’ information together to apply for this award, I found that he had earned 72 titles over he years, so it’s no wonder we had such a special bond!

     My favourite thing about Remus was his enthusiasm for life and everything we did. He was always “ALL IN”. Remus’ nickname became ScRemus, because he always played sports with so much vocal enthusiasm. Agility, flyball, scent hurdle racing, all had a vocal component. I loved playing Steeplechase with Remus, as the game is all about speed, and that was his favourite. Snooker was the game I also loved, as it challenged me to become a better handler. Winning the Snooker Challenge at the 2012 AB/NWT Regionals and earning our first ever 59 point snooker was my all time favourite agility memory with Remus.

     Remus was the very first American Cocker Spaniel to earn his scent hurdle dog grand master championship title, and everyone who saw Remus compete at scent hurdle racing and flyball could instantly tell how much he loved those games!

My only regret with Remus was not doing enough formal training to compete with him in hunt trials. He loved hunting down his bumpers with pheasant wings when we practised in the fields. He was a true sporting dog, who loved to work, swim and enjoy life to the fullest.


In addition, the following awards were earned, but no personalized information was received:


MRBIS  GChS  CanCh AmCh Mar-K's Here We Go Again! NTD NS DS RN CGN VN (Ditto) and Monique Malcolm – Versatility Dog Intermediate


MBIS MRBIS MBISS GChX Let The Games Begin RN (Epic) and Monique Malcolm – Versatility Dog Intermediate


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